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The DFI NF4 stable settings thread

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RoBoZeO said:
man i just dont get it. with this new system and new video card. everything OCd i only get:

7049 in 3d mark 05
13838 in 3dmark 03
27509 in 02

i do a search and people with the same card as me and same ghz and fasb are way higher than me. anything that i can do to help out my gaming? its been a while since i had to OC since my last box was the same setup for like 3 years. gotta love the 9500 to 9700 softmod. and with that i got almost 20k in 02.
Do you mean in 01, not 02?

Also, your drivers can also affect your performance. If you broke 7K with your card, that's pretty much in the right ballpark. By how much are you off?

What is the OC on your video card, as well as all of the other stuff, exactly?

FSB, CPU Mhz, Dividers, Timings, GPU Clock, GPU Mem Clock, temperatures, power supply voltage stability, drivers, software, etc... all of these can affect your performance.
I recieved a set of Patriot XBLK from pby5cat for testing as he was having problems with it (He owns a Winny). Here are the preliminary results.It is not fully stable (yet), but I'm working towards SP32M stability, I'll update this post soon.

Hey SN,

I got my replacement MOBO yesterday, initial results are dissapointing to say the least. I can't even load windows at settings wich were stable on my old board. What seems funny right off the bat, If i go into DRAM settings and set only 2.5-3-3-10 and leave all other settings to AUTO, I can not load windows at 200HTT 1:1. I only seem to be able to load windows at 2-2-2-5 with 200HTT 1:1. Of course, this is only a few minutes of testing. Hopefully I will get a chance to test further this weekend.

At any rate, I will try these timings on lunch break today and post back. I'm really starting to suspect my CPU. I wanted to ask, 2.9v +.03 seems like alot of VDIMM for TCCD. Did that help you get these speeds stable ?

I didn't use the 0.03 with the TCCD. 2.9V was the sweet spot. In fact I believe this is the sweet spot for all PC3200 XBLK TCCD's. I have tested 4 sets so far with the EXACT same result with regards to the best voltage. Bear in mind that you need active cooling. Otherwise, you will have a big problem. I don't think the CPU could be a problem. I am not 100% sure though.
I see a lot of different chipset driver versions being used here, but the most popular seem to be the v6.66 drivers. Are those still the best? I'm attempting to stabilize my new 170 rig @300HTT 1:1 and I have the latest v6.70 drivers installed also w/the IDE driver. Should I back off to the v6.66 drivers and go without the IDE Driver?
I'm using the latest drivers. No change in results or stability. I'm not sure what improvements were made (if any), it is still status quo. Usually newer WHQL versions offer some advantages. Don't use the NV IDE Driver! I had BSOD's as a result of it.
Alright... I've removed just the IDE driver. No help. Should I remove all NV Drivers(inc. graphics) and reinstall fresh?
Yes. That would be a better idea. Remove all NV Drivers, run drivercleaner and then reinstall chipset drivers, followed by the VC Drivers. :)
rangi said:
My first build using a DFI platform, I have found many posts here and at the extreme forums very useful, here is my contribution to this thread.
I have prime stable for 24hr on this setup but 1 HTT more and it fails prime within an hour...where up to [email protected] I can Memtest overnite without an error but prime falls over within 5mins

It's probably because the processor core is unstable, even at just approximately 10 mhz more. You're probably at least required to increase the Vcore at least a tad. The fact that Memtest86 didn't fail probably means you're required to increase the Vcore or you're at a wall already. Prime95 finds even the smallest problem with processor chips. I know, that sucks. Was this only with the blend test? It this wasn't with the blend test, then increase the Vcore.

With the T-bred 2000+ AIUCB I used to have, there was a point where even just approximately 10 mhz more, then Prime95 always fails. :(

I suggest that you try 1.60V or 1.55V for the Vcore.
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Done. Used the Pro version and selected all NV options. I'm convinced that I wasn't stable anyway, so I didn't see a difference after the uninstall/cleaning/reinstall. But it's good that I've already eliminated this hinderance from my OCing efforts.

Thanks for the help SN! :thup:
harlam357 said:
Done. Used the Pro version and selected all NV options. I'm convinced that I wasn't stable anyway, so I didn't see a difference after the uninstall/cleaning/reinstall. But it's good that I've already eliminated this hinderance from my OCing efforts.

Thanks for the help SN! :thup:

No problem! :beer:

If all fails, a reinstall of Winblows is in order. That is why I keep a dedicated HDD for OC'ing. Always have one seperate HDD for work and one for OC testing. If you destroy Winblows on the test HDD,you have your working install available!

Meathead, check this thread for 2Gb settings:-
Thanks supernade. I found that a couple days ago but nothing on it about the newer mushkin 4000's just the older ones. I did however find a thread by charlie that showed his settings with these new beasts. I'll get my stable settings post up as soon as I feel like I have the best settings possible.
This is with OCZ plat rev 2 TCC5 on a 180MHz divider with my brand new Opty 146.
Beta BIOS 510-2FIX
Genie BIOS Setting
>DRAM Configuration Press Enter
FSB Bus Frequency 290
LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio x3.0
LDT Bus Transfer Width d16u16
CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio x10.0
PCI eXpress Frequency 101MHz
K8 Cool'n'Quiet Support Disable
xCool'n'Quiet MAX FID Auto
CPU VID StartUp Value 1.425V

CPU Core Voltage 1.41V
LDT Bus Voltage 1.41V
Chip Set Voltage 1.80V
DRAM 2.5 Voltage 3.16V
CPU VID Control 1.425V
CPU VID Special Control Auto
LDT Voltage Control 1.40V
Chip Set Voltage Control 1.80V
DRAM Voltage Control 3.10V
DRAM+ .03V If it's not 3.2V Disable

PCI eXpress Configurator X2 X1 X16 X1
MAC Lan Disabled
MAC Media Interface Pin Strap
Machine MAC (NV) Address Disabled
xMAC (NV) Address Input Press Enter
MAC Lan Boot ROM Disabled
Internal Phy SATA 1/2 Enabled
Internal Phy SATA 3/4 Disabled
VIA 1394 Control Disabled
MARVELL GigaLAN Control Disabled
Run Mem Test 86+ Disabled

DRAM Configuration
DRAM Frequency Set (MHz) 180 (DRAM/FSB:9/10)
Command Per Clock (CPC) Enabled
CAS Latency Control (Tcl) 2.5
RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) 04 Bus Clocks
Min RAS# active time (Tras) 08 Bus Clocks
Row precharge time (Trp) 03 Bus Clocks
Row cycle time (Trc) 08 Bus Clocks
Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) 16 Bus Clocks
Row to Row delay (Trrd) 03 Bus Clocks
Write recovery time (Twr) 03 Bus Clocks
Write to Read delay (Twtr) 02 Bus Clocks
Read to Write delay (Trwt) 03 Bus Clocks
Refresh period (Tref) 4708 Cycles
Write CAS Latency (Twcl) 05 Bus Clock
DRAM Bank Interleave Disabled

DQS Skew Control Increase Skew
DQS Skew Value 0
DRAM Drive Strength Level 6
DRAM Data Drive Strength Auto
Max Async Latency 07.0 Nano Seconds
DRAM Response Time Fast
Read Preamble Time 05.0 Nano Seconds
Idle Cycle Limit 256 Cycles
Dynamic Counter Disable
R/W Queue Bypass 16x
Bypass Max 07x
32 Byte Granularity Disable (4 Bursts)

and here's the screenie after priming all night.
Click on the pic to see a 1600x1200 image.

Nice one Bill! Welcome to the Forums!

That Opty of yours is screaming fast! Now, do you have to increase the Drive strength to 6? Could you try 8 and 1?
Thanks for the welcome Super Nade.
I just enabled Instant E-mail Notification in CP settings and Options.
Didn't realize that it was off.

I was running a Venice 3200 since I built this rig back in April.
At first it was Prime stable at 10x280 but after a while it started crashing out of FarCry. Then I started crashing out of Windows.
I also had my Epox 9NDA3+ running Prime stable at 9x295 with a Winchester 3000 but the same thing happened.
Both machines were running Vcores in the 1.60-1.65 range, CPU temps below 50°C in Prime95 and I had to drop the CPUs to around 250MHz to regain stability.
I finally got the Ultra-D to run at 10x270 but only at cl 3.0.
I believe that overvoltage damaged the memory controllers on both CPUs so I'm reluctant to go much higher with this Opty.
I also converted this rig to my main business and general purpose computer when my Soyo Kt600+ died and it currently has about 45 programs installed (AutoCad, 4 Photo Editors, Print Artist, MS Office Suite, Games, AVG, Zone Alarm, etc.) plus the usuall Windows stuff (IE, Media Player, etc).
I guess you could say that I'm a little reluctant to push it too high.

As far as the BIOS settings I'm pretty much using what I have been using except that I put the memory on the 180MHz divider - something it would never let me do before - and dropped the Vcore to virtually stock numbers.

I'll try the drive strength at 8 and 1 and let you know how it worked out.
Atm I'm playing around with the Epox since I just moved the Venice over there.

Oh more thing. I can't get the CP to allow an Avitar. Any suggestions?

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