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Forum Wars (Summer Wars) 2009

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ok, i just fixed mine again, im not sure what the problem is?

i did it twice today :shrug:


lol 3rd time will be the charm, im such a tard!

Thanks JLK :)


Mia told me the same thing, talk about a slight oversight...

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ok, i just fixed mine again, im not sure what the problem is?

i did it twice today :shrug:


lol 3rd time will be the charm, im such a tard!

Thanks JLK :)


Mia told me the same thing, talk about a slight oversight...

Took me 4 or 5.I think Mia wanted to strangle me:beer:I know i felt like a tard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LOL Nobody wants to strangle anyone submitting stock scores. :) We just wanna know everyone can do it correctly so no scores get disqualified when submitting the final scores.

Glad to help & it looks good. :beer:

We've all been there freeagent!
Seriously all you noobs :p you're doing great. I'm not upset with anyone...I'm just glad we're getting a good team together for this War with a lot of you 1st timers.

The Forum Warz is all about the learning experience. The Winter Warz 2008 was the VERY FIRST OCing competition I had ever participated in. That was in March & April of 2008! Less than a year later I won a world championship for Tom's Hardware Overdrive OCing Competition in Paris...I'm not trying to suggest that you will all be world champions within the next year...we should probably give it two for good measure ;)

This is the fourth Warz I'm participating in, and each one continues to get better. Just relax, don't rush it, and HAVE FUN!

Take a quick peek in the lounge at the thread titled "Forum Wars "D" aka Team Muppets"...that was my sub-team for the first Warz I played in last year. It might give you a good idea of the kind of fun we had :)

The winter wars are always more fun because all you have to do is pop the computer outside at 3AM in the morning when it's terribly cold outside. During the summer you have to come up with elaborate plans on how to cool air to -100C without freezing everything over and making a big hash of things.

Of course mia wouldn't know about this because he spends the whole bench sniffing using cooling with LN2. ;)
The war just made the first casualty:rolleyes: After a good 4 hrs of LN2 benching, the board shut down. Any of the cpr attempts I made were unsuccessful. Tried it again this morning and still dead. CPU survived. Got another board coming. RIP Crosshair III Formula:bday: you will be missed (until your replacement warrior show up!) Will try to RMA it but it was sprayed with conformal, don't know if they will take it. Anyway if they take it I will have a back up. Hope to get the new board by wednesday so I can use the +/- 15 liters of LN2 left
Hey Icebob, did you look into the LN2 system for me? Because if I can rent the equipment from them, that makes my life much easier.
nice, thats some good price. I'll probably pick some up for the compitition in September.
Am I too late to enter? I feel like running some benchies for Ocforums! I would probably be "E" Class, but I can run 06' most likely '03 and I might be able to run Super Pi M1 with oc' bonus.

Question, I have an available hard drive to do a very clean install of windows xp 32bit, would I be able to install and run said benches before they are due?
Stock scoring must be submitted by Aug. 14th, with last minute submissions at TRP only on the 15th. If the team trusts you enough to submit OC'ed scores, you can also take zeros and just have your details entered.
Am I too late to enter? I feel like running some benchies for Ocforums! I would probably be "E" Class, but I can run 06' most likely '03 and I might be able to run Super Pi M1 with oc' bonus.

Question, I have an available hard drive to do a very clean install of windows xp 32bit, would I be able to install and run said benches before they are due?

Yes, we'd love to have you on the team. Please read the rules carefully, then look at how others have been submitting their stock scores, and follow suit in the score submission thread :beer: Once you do it, I'll verify and add your scores to the DB.

Dean will be posting the sub-teams after the stock score submission time-frame ends. The we go to war!

Make sure you help your two teammates first, and everyone else as your time permits. I'm working with Dean to create OC score goals for each person and their system. That will give you all something to shoot for....err, umm...I mean: exceed :beer:
Yes, we'd love to have you on the team. Please read the rules carefully, then look at how others have been submitting their stock scores, and follow suit in the score submission thread :beer: Once you do it, I'll verify and add your scores to the DB.

Dean will be posting the sub-teams after the stock score submission time-frame ends. The we go to war!

Make sure you help your two teammates first, and everyone else as your time permits. I'm working with Dean to create OC score goals for each person and their system. That will give you all something to shoot for....err, umm...I mean: exceed :beer:

Oh god, I just got the image in my head of dean and you torturing us while we are in front of the computer.

Random guy from team B: "But it hurts! It hurts!"
Mia: "Well in that case we will have to bring out... The comfy chair!"

:eek: ;) :beer:
Well if I'm going to be torutered to OC, can I at least have a TWKR? :D
Ok, I was pointed to a 3dmk06 tweaks guide (thanks!), but there was an allusion to other hints/techniques you pro's use that would be sent out via PM 9as far as which OS for which bench etc). Im interested in that as I am begining my preliminary testing this week. Is that going to be distributed soon? A lot of people are already in so that "1 PM" can hopefully be sent out.

Thanks in advance!
Also, here is a simple spreadsheet I created that I am going to use for testing purposes to keep things in line so I dont waste my time. I figured I would offer it up to you guys. Please feel free to critque it or change it to you liking if you want to use it. If there is anything MAJOR I left off for any of the benches, let me know so I can add it in there.

edit... actually, how the heck can I attached a spreadsheet????