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Bat Outta Hell Week for Rosie!

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2006

Welcome to Bat Outta Hell Week!

Our goal is to have fun, and boost our Rosetta team up the rankings, as far as possible, in 7 days.

Starts: Sunday, May 17th

Stops: Sunday May 24th

How to Get Started: Easy - (much easier than it looks)

Our Current Roadkill looks to be:



How many teams will we run over, er pass? :shrug:

Hard to tell!

#12345Team Name
1) AMD Users <<=== They just finished re-passing us! Bad timing, AMD! :D
1) Starfire <<=== Our First Second Victim! :clap:

Who's Flying with Me & Helping to Fan the Flames?

Please Sign In as You Change Over to Our Rosetta Team, and All the Rosie Regulars, Also - Let's hear it:

Turn Up Your Speakers! :burn: :burn: :burn:

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well im still full bore with what i got... after some time with my new job i might be able to bring more irigs online... need to wait and see, might be lucky enough to do some dual LGA1366 action...
Wow! This setup for BOINC is even easier than I remember it - it chooses the right version for you.

Then you start up the installer, and it asks if you're a new or returning user of BOINC manager and for your email address (and password if you're returning). Then it tells you to select a project, and you look down the list and pick Rosetta @ Home, and that's it.

Easy smeazy! (FAH, are you listening?) :D
As soon as we're over the 20M mark in the CC I'll put some rigs to pete and some rigs to Rosetta. Haven't decided what goes where yet though. Probably my on two rigs to Rosetta and my borgs to Pete.

@David - sounds great, welcome aboard!

This is rich - just checked the latest team standings for Rosetta, and guess who has just re-passed us, and is about to get the honor of being our first roadkill "art object"?

Rank12Team Name12RAC123Total Points
36 AMD12345!!7123 21,463 19,606,068

37 Overclockers.com 27,488 19,602,859

Why is it so quiet around here?

Because the CC got held up for another day. No matter - we'll just start with some rigs not racing in the CC, and welcome all the real strength, tomorrow - with a RAC (Recently Averaged Credit - like your FAH 7 day average on EOC), that is already on the climb!
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1 E6600 now on Rosetta
Username dfonda
Team Overclockers.com

Is that right? Is there a link for the stats like the EOC?

If I did it right it is very easy 2.0% done!

Ok 2 Mini Rosettas running at 50% each in Task manager that soumd right on an E6600?
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Our Most Current Team's Rankings: http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/top_teams.php?sort_by=total_credit&offset=20

Our Most Current Members Rankings: http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/team_members.php?teamid=230&sort_by=expavg_credit&offset=0

Our Teams Stats (All the stats, but 4-10? hours behind): http://boincstats.com/stats/team_stats.php?pr=rosetta&st=0

Our Members Stats (All there, but behind somewhat): http://boincstats.com/stats/user_stats.php?pr=rosetta&st=0&ti=230

Thanks, Dave! Yes, it's *very* easy. Three minutes after you start, you're done installing!
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Ok, I see myself on the stats list...Now I'll look into the points system and see how long and what kinda power it takes to get into the top 50.

This will be fun!:)
It will be fun! :D

The teams are small enough that a dedicated small group, can have a big impact - like I hope we are, this week!

Iirc, an E6600 at stock speeds will do about 900 RAC - but RAC is a funny thing. It's very complex, and designed so it has to build *slowly* and if you stop folding or crunching, it then decays very slowly away.

As soon as the CC is over + about 24 hours, our Rosetta points are going to start jumping. I've got several WU's for Rosie, already in my rigs.
Switching the duallie over just now to play with Rosetta, its still sitting on a few 749-pt WUs but none of the three will be finished within the next few days so wont help the CC any so I'll stop the WUs for a week (still well within deadlines).

Iirc, an E6600 at stock speeds will do about 900 RAC - but RAC is a funny thing. It's very complex, and designed so it has to build *slowly* and if you stop folding or crunching, it then decays very slowly away.

might be lower now, cause my [email protected] is pulling 1.1k RAC so far.
My little server is having trouble right now. Suddenly stops! :eek:

I'm not sure if it's because Windows 7 is stumbling with the two quad cpu's or something else.

The room has the A/C on today, due to the heat wave. It's not hot in here, about 75F.

If I can't find the reason, I'll have to switch it back to Linux this evening.
Just Done setting up 2 x Ubuntu 8.04v2 -64bit Virtual Machines Running Boinc Manager on two of my

Rigs, and about to do another Rig too very shortly,,, this one will be straight up Native Linux Box with

again the Ubuntu 8.04v2 -64bit and Boinc Manager

They have Dowloaded WU,s and rarin to go,,,,

So Lets see the Teams RAC go UP,,,UP,,,UP,,,

Edit : - this is the Ausus M/B that I Finally got back from RMA and it is a New one too, as I had put a UV Mark conspicuously placed, so they didnt jib me again,

Finally had some Time to get back together,,, had to get PSU fixed had a couple of bad Caps, but all done and fixed !!!
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@David - sounds great, welcome aboard!

This is rich - just checked the latest team standings for Rosetta, and guess who has just re-passed us, and is about to get the honor of being our first roadkill "art object"?

Rank12Team Name12RAC123Total Points
36 AMD12345!!7123 21,463 19,606,068

37 Overclockers.com 27,488 19,602,859

Why is it so quiet around here?

Because the CC got held up for another day. No matter - we'll just start with some rigs not racing in the CC, and welcome all the real strength, tomorrow - with a RAC (Recently Averaged Credit - like your FAH 7 day average on EOC), that is already on the climb!

Not sure how they managed that seeing as our RAC is higher. And I also have no clue how we went from 80K to 28K RAC??? I mean I know there have been problems, but did we loose half our team? I mean the part about the stats being messed up I can understand, but AMD Users passing us in total points? I just don't know how a team that was just putting along has managed to all of the sudden pass us after we passed them.
I dunno, maybe they didn't like it and turned on the afterburners?
A few weeks ago there were no teams on the Horizon with RAC's anywhere near ours and now there's like 4 or 5 on the same page?? What a mess.
Anyhow, no matter. We're about to stomp a whole lot of teams shortly.
Welcome all!
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Yeah, when Pixie went to CC, along with so many Rosie teammates, well . . .

Great album cover - I came across it while looking for "my" bat.

If I told you how long I worked on that bat pic, you'd honestly die laughing - no art student, here! < ROFL >

Wow! I earned a *big* 249 points today, ala BOINC Stats: That'll be changing fast! :burn: :burn: :burn:

That is a mystery with BOINC - some machines turn in work quite regularly.

Other rigs don't. They hold onto a *ton* of WU's, until they can't hold another one, and *then* they'll upload all of them. And all my boxes use the exact same preferences file.

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hey Sweet ,, baditude_df

I used to like Meatloaf,, until one of my old mates used to play it Over - n -Over - n -Over til he wore out the stylus ,,, lol

Have still got My Vinyl of it somewhere and a CD too,,, lol,s

Wont be long and Ill fire up the Linux Box,,
Lol, yeah I gained 250 RAC in my first day back as well. I'll be back up to 3K+ in no time.

Yeah, when Pixie went to CC, along with so many Rosie teammates, well . . .

Have a look at the Team page. If you add up the RAC on the first page alone you wind up with over 45K. We are currently reporting 27K on Boinc Stats.
Doesn't add up so well. :(
Well that's very confusing.

Is team RAC *not* equal to the sum of all the team members RAC?

On the server front, I'm leaving the gpu card in there, but not folding on it, until I can solve this problem of the rig crashing.

Either the card isn't working well with Windows 7 when it's folding (very possible), or Windows 7 can't handle this board and it's two quads, or I've got a hardware problem.

We shall see.

I started manually updating the results in three rigs, so my RAC is heading up!

Would you believe AMD Users team is having a race, starting today? :D Their race is also scheduled to last one week! < no, I'm not making this up, I went to their forum >

<< Go Rosie, Go!! >>

Edit: We have had an update of the team stats, just now:

And our increase in points, has been matched by AMD Users!

They have 483 members and they are contacting their members via email, offering prizes (not great but still nice), etc.

We have another race on our hands, right off!! :cool:

BOINC Stats shows them putting up 49,535 points, just yesterday! That's how they passed us back up!!

The CC race will end later today. We will have more Rosie power starting up, after that. It will take one more day before they start pumping in a lot of WU's, though.

Crank it up, and let's go!
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I'm gearing up all my accessable rigs' cpu's to go Rosetta full bore for Hell week.
Top 20 here I come!
After installing BOINC and attaching Rosetta, is there anything more to do to tweak it?