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ARMA III : Official Thread

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7.5 GB according to the official web site. and I'll load up some screen shots with it at the highest settings then whatever I find to be playable and I'll list out what settings those are. as I'm sure I won't be running the texture resolutions over 1920x1080 but forcing them up to a ridiculous number for the sake of seeing the slide show lol may be fun!

We will see how SLI friendly it is in alpha... Work cannot end fast enough!

EDIT: came to 6.95 GB on my HDD after the download.
Thanks! Looks like I'll only be waiting an hour or so to play.

I can't wait to start making some scenarios :salute:
For those installing this on an SSD or equally fast HDD's and what not. you can set the launch option "-nosplash" without the quotes to get rid of the beginning pictures before the menus. if you are just on a normal HDD you'll be looking at an ARMA III logo till it loads.
haven't played. had a friend start testing Launch options while I'm at work. I'll be off in 1 hour and 8 min... 1 hour if I can cut out early lol
Well it seems the best compromise I can get between graphics and playability is a low of 32-35 an AVG of 40-45 and a high of 90+ when staring at the ground.

This is with my current setup. Everything maxed EXCEPT View Distance. I turned all three down. The first two (Object\General) to just over 5,000 and then the shadows down to 100 as these gave biggest frame increases. this is running 1920x1080 FXAA Ultra and 8x AA (I do have post processing disabled but that is personal preference though it doesn't drop FPS)

This was all on the Infantry based level. Now on the Helicopter map is where things got ugly. it hovers around the low 20's on average and dips into the low teens for its low highs are low 30's not looking straight into the sky. which as you can imagine is very hard to play. This is to showcase their view distance and scale best way for me to improve this is reducing the view distances further.

The game was very playable at the lower frame rates (30's and up) so lets hope this is just because of an unoptimized alpha! kinda sad I was having so much trouble playing it on its max settings.

EDIT: This game is very beautiful and the view distance when cranked is incredible. just thought I should throw that in there
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The game performs quite well, the game still feels really fluid around 30fps, I am able to get around 40fps with my eyefinity(5670x1080) setup at high settings. I am liking the game so far and welcome a few of the changes made, although I miss the old crosshair style and waver.

There are a few rough patches and place holders throughout but the release is still a while away, for an alpha the game is in pretty good shape.

Here are some screens(30%):

What do you have your View distance set at? also I played a custom mission and it ran way faster then these missions.

These are the best pics I got and these were all on max settings no postprocessing


  • 1.jpg
    750.2 KB · Views: 59
  • w.jpg
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  • 3.jpg
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Arms II was okish, kind of sluggish and crappy animations that wasn't really needed.

Pretty much the mods are what made the game fun and I pretty much lived off the Wasteland mod.

VERY easy to script in the game and never get banned. But that's when key stealers came into play. Reeling in hundreds of keys a day just to sell them to some kiddie that got banned for $3.

Guess its just the fact of online gaming for the last 17 years has made me pretty much never want to play a single player game again.
indeed arma II is very unoptimized that game eats gpu memory like no other! i might just try out this one perhaps dayz will migrate to this :D

I doubt it. The stand alone version already uses Arma III's engine :)

I was actually getting really low fps on the helicopter level as well. I had to compromise
Quite a bit especially in the aa department.
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graphics seem alot better than arma II :) i might just try it out.
Not bad for an Alpha. Gameplay is smoother than ARMA 2 by a lot.

Agreed, there are still quite a few placeholders that need to be filled in when it comes to animation(running for example). I hope they still keep a similar feel to ARMA 2 since I loved the deliberate nature of the movement in that game.
I doubt it. The stand alone version already uses Arma III's engine :)

Contrary to initial beliefs...it is NOT using ARMA III engine. It is using a modified version of the ARMA II engine, but will supposedly include code from ARMA III. Sort of a 2.5 if you will.
Agreed, there are still quite a few placeholders that need to be filled in when it comes to animation(running for example). I hope they still keep a similar feel to ARMA 2 since I loved the deliberate nature of the movement in that game.

I agree with both of you it was a lot of fun and does very well for an alpha. I got to try out the editor last night as well. I started to create me a fun mission to take back the town next to the Air base on that map.

Its a lot of work to create re spawn points and working vehicles but I've almost got it all down. and to finish off the night I started trying to get Chernarus working ;) I got the map to show up and even start with the editor but I pulled in to many files so the UI got horribly messed up.

EDIT: just as a point to show I get it... the pic\comment above was sarcasm I know its a place holder and I'm not worried about it.
^ I spent most of my time in the editor last night, I made a few sniper missions with a main goal of taking out the air feild and extracting in a helicopter. Another was a full on 20 man assault on the airfield with enemy choppers abound.

I can't wait till the entire tool set is released...
^ I spent most of my time in the editor last night, I made a few sniper missions with a main goal of taking out the air feild and extracting in a helicopter. Another was a full on 20 man assault on the airfield with enemy choppers abound.

I can't wait till the entire tool set is released...

agreed! I just wish they made some things more simple. like the hoops I had to jump through to make a respawn point! and learning how to spawn the vehicles so they don't have AI drivers and they are playable but not a playable character that you select on the screen lol

Honestly I don't have a lot of experience with the editor but I'm enjoying the mission I'm making. I just need to figure out adding in weapon&ammo boxes at the starting point but I couldn't find the items last nigh but I was only on the editor for the last half of the night.