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PS3 Screenshot, absolutly terrible.

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i skipped the rest of the posts

to the OP.

Good job there compairing a FPS to a Racing game.

No matter how powerfull the graphics of a video card, or a console, racing games ALWAYS look like that.

The people in the back-ground are NOT supposed to look 100% life like. As They go by you while your racing at 100+ MPH.

And the terrain is decent, but again like the people, It goes past you while you drive at nearly 100+ MPH. Why didn't you compair the pictures of the car? or how about the effects?

Why don't you go grab a screen shot of the new Unreal game comming out on the PS3 and then a X-box360 game.

I have my own hatred for sony and what their doing. But its rediculous that you try to compair two of the most DIFFERENT genra's there are! Those two are on the complete opposite spectrum of gaming!

There's already enough Anti-PS3 and Anti-Sony threads. We don't need ANOTHER person going around, trying to trick people into believing your Biased opinion.

Now if you compaired two games of the same Genra, then that would have been different.

So here's a simple challenge. Go grab two screenshots of each system, and a pick of two games that are in the same genra, or at least even have SOME similarity between the two.
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Remember when the N64 launched?

Most of the games were pretty bad/couldn't hold a candle to the games released towards the end of it's lifespan.

I say give it time, it's a new and EXTREMELY hard to develop-for game system, cut the developers a little slack trying to put some titles out before release-time.

Loathe the PS3. Love the Warhawk. Solution: Pray for a PC or 360 version. Back-Up plan: Wait until the same guy who just started showing off his HD-DVD drive gets a PS3 and play on his system.

From what I have seen the PS3 will have some nice looking games after the first round of ****ty games is done. Only problem I can see is that I don;t want to play any of the good graphics games except Warhawk.
Shell said:
the 360 has a GPU comparable to the X1900XTX

The X1900XTX can manage 1250 million triangles per second and 10400 million Texels per second, while Xenos can do only 500 million triangles per second (about the same as an X1300 or just above what a 9800XT can manage) and 8000 million Texels per second (about the same as an X800XT).

I think the extra die containing the eDRAM lets Xenos do antialiasing up to 4x with virtually no performance hit, but I don't think that makes up for the X1900XTXs performance lead.
hitbyaprkedcar7, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm 99.9% certain that is a Gran Turismo 4 screen, not the latest Gran Turismo HD. If it is the PS3 version then it is a screen from a very early build. Here's what it really looks like, be sure to check out the trailers.

I think that current PS3 games look very good considering that they are launch titles.

Just like with 360 games, you can't judge it from a screenshot until you play it yourself on a HDTV and I guarantee that you will have totaly different opinion.
Agreed, and we should give the devs some more time to get to grips with the hardware. As I have said before comparing Tekken Tag or Smugglers Run with Black, Tekken 5 or From Russia With Love PS2 graphics have come on leaps and bounds over the lifetime of the console, and pre release screenshots of launch titles isn't much of an indicator of what the machine is capable of.
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