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Nov 24, 2009

Adivice: Planning a build. This is not a gaming build. ATX tower of my choosing. I do want to step into a modern system that will get say 10yrs or so. New Board suggestion: ASUS , Intel ? Best Intel CPU i5 OR i7?. My own OS is W7PRO so saving here , GPU current is Radeon X1650 ( pretty old ) so lets say £150, CURRENT SUPPLY 500W could keep ? , Mem 16DDR4 or is 16 too much , also what spec DDR4 ? , SSD I have a little 128GB SAM 840 ( currently 70% used ) which could be devoted soley to a Boot drive?? , but a 512MB / 1GB SSD for main file storage I suggest... should be enough for my browsing video viewing ect, no gaming. No IDE required. Sound Card req of V.Good spec . No monitor required iI have a 22" ASUS . Headset sorted.

The main reason is to inject a real performance boost to my everyday browsing experience , on a budget from £600-800. My current board is maxed out with a CPU Q9550.

Anyhow all good advice welcome.

10 Years? Good luck. I would shoot myself if I had to do anything on a 10 year old PC...Yours is 8 years old and already out of steam for your uses. ;)

The question really is.......what are you going to do with the PC? Is it really just for browsing the internet?

Board, - about any will do in intel land if it has the features you need. Are you planning to overclock?
CPU - depends on your uses. If you really want it to last 10 years (good luck...) get an i7.
GPU - use the onboard GPU of the intel chip if all you do is watch videos
Memory - For DDR4 and your uses, go 2x8GB 2400MHz.
PSU - Nno idea what your current PSU is.. if it was/is still good. List the brand. But if its the original from your 8 year old PC, I would scrap it. Grab an EVGA 500B
SSD - How you set up your drives is up to you. Your plan sounds feasible.... not sure on this budget though.
Sound card - I take it you have some high end cans or speakers? If not, use the onboard, its sounds great for most people.