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Case Mod Gallery

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HousERaT said:

That case is freakin' awesome! How did you do the fan in the front??? It kicks ***!!!!! :drool:
Here is some pics of my case. Pretty cool when friends see the resivour and the lines running all over the place. Wire management is a pain...gotta hide it behind the mobo and you can obviously see it...but it still looks cool I think.

fireandice said:
man that is one pimp rig man. how meny fps can you run pong at on that beast?

cheers dude, pong does stress it out a bit but i can hit 3fps with everything on max settings :eek:

but more importantly its well easy to keep clean:)

ps notice the left hand gaming keyboard........ awesome
OK I got a new PC so I decided to mod my old Gatewau 700XL. I didn't add much inside other than a 500watt PSU (because of the lights and fans I added and some cable sleeving). What I did was chose a theme and dremmeled away!

Pic #1: What I started with. This is the closest pic I could find on the web. I wasn't smart enough to snap pics before I started, or during the wholr process at all. :(

Pic 2: The underbelly fans. I added the wheels in order to fit these fans underneath. The purpose of this was to make a glow on the floor which you will see in pics to come. The filters are inside on the case floor.

Pic 3: The rear I/O panel. Not sure why I included this pic, but here it is. Windows key and Gateway serial whited out.

Pic 4: The right side. The glare from the light doesn't do it much good. I am not a very good photographer. I used Rust-Oleum spray and same brand clear finish to make a nice glossy finish.

Pic 5: The inside. I tried my best to arrange the cables neatly. I did the sleeving myself with UV Orange sleeve kit and UV Blue molex ends. I also bought same UV Blue IDE cables. You can see the floor fan filters there. I painted them white so they don't stand out too much. I also painted the edges of the RDRAM modules with UV Blue and UV Orange to make them glow a bit. I have one 4" UV light affixed to the bottom of the PSU and 1 12" UV running along the bottom in the front. I also have a LED 3 bulb cannon affixed under the HDD rack. The rear fan is silent UV Orange.

Pic 6:Top front. My wife juyst HAD to paint the Gateway logo! The four toggles control lights and fans. Is anybody from NY? Can you figure out my theme yet? Maybe the next pic will help you out!
Part two.

I wasn't permitted to post all my pics in one message. So here is the rest:)

Pic 7: The front. Lets Go Mets!! It took me quite a while to carve out the skyline on this, but it took my wife a little longer to do all that detailed painting. There is a thin plexi behind the skyline that I painted blue and there is another 3 bulb LED cannon to light it up.

Pic 8: Left side. The window is AC Ryan UV Blue plexi. I carved the "NY" from the circular piece of steel I cut from the case. Again my wife made it all look good with the painting!

Pic 9: The front with lights on. I think it came out pretty cool. You can see here the glow on the floor created by the underbelly fans.

Pic 10: Pretty much the same pic but without the bright light from the camera.

Pic 11: The left side with just the LED cannon lit up. The underbelly fans are also lit in this pic so you can see the oranhe and blue glow on the floor better.

Pic 12: The left side with just the UV lights on. Again you see the glow from the under fans.

Pic 13: A close up of the left side with only the UV lights on.

Well that is all the pics I took. I will give this to my niece for Christmas because she is 14 and a huge David Wright fan. I alos ordered some decals from mets.com so I will stick them on when they arrive.

Let me know what you think of my first ever case mod. Yankee fans need not reply, I think I already know what you think ;) LOL
Compaq Proliant dl380
2x 1.4ghz 1.4 Tualatin 512kb L2 Cache
2x Intel Extreme Gigabit Ethernet
HP I5 Raid Manager 6x SCSI 320 Wideband
4gb PC133 ECC
6x 9.1Gb 10,000 RPM SCSI Ultra 3 Wideband FUJITSU!!!!!! :D
Uhh... Rage xl video card lol
2x Hot Swap Redundant 350watt Power Supplies.

This thing even has hotswap ram :)
Man I worked with those and 580's for a summer or 2....those are loud as hell...I'd pay someone to take it away too if I had to have it in my room!