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Welcome New & Returning Rosetta Team Members:

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Hey! I figured I'd join up since I now have a few rigs other than my main PC again and a couple run 24/7. I was a Seti cruncher some years ago before F@H was even an option... but after countless OS installs, hardware changes, and then the lack of interest to keep upgrading, along with other priorities in life forcing my love of the hobby to take a back seat, I slipped off the scene for some years.

I'm slowly coming back, and I'm hoping to have a quad running R@H 24/7 to start (or at least a C2D...), just have to figure out why when the BOINC client is running, it makes my NB temps spike on the quad, and why it won't even run on a C2D system I have... It's probably user error on the C2D, but the temp spike I see on the quads NB bothers me, since It doesn't do it any other time, even under heavy gaming... strange really...

Once I get the bugs worked out, I'm sure I'll be on my way, it won't be much at first, but I'm happy to donate whatever idle CPU cycles I can!
Around of :beer: and:soda: on me!!

I'll keep at least a Dual core on Rosetta@home from here on, sorry I am so late to the party.

Not going to take anything away from fah( Except for TBOHWeek)...so I'll have to add to the farm.

Save me a spot in the top 50! LOL
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Hey all I be back in to help with a Few VM,s Running Ubuntu 8.04v2 & Boinc Manager to help ,,, with the Rally

So far have 6 core's worth set up