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spray paiting cdrom drives?

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im thinking if there is a way to pop off the face plates i can paint that
Usually if you unscrew the case on the CDROM drive you can open it up and then pull the faceplate out. I repainted the front of my Jaz drive in a similar fashion.
Just remember to cover the LEDs with something (blu-tac or masking tape I guess should work fine) and it should be ok. Only painting the faceplate won't lead to any problems, but I wouldn't go painting anything else like the CD tray (I know you weren't going to though). Opening your cd drive to get off the faceplate (easy to do, I've done it before) might void your warranty, so check before you do it (if you care). Should look cool - what colour are you going with?
Crazy Jayhawk said:
Painting the drive would probably void the warranty. :p
Hehe, try RMAing it... "I just took it out the box and it wouldn't work - I didn't do anything to it, honest" :D
yah i want to it like that pic, but not those colors

im thinkin of a deep...deep... jet black or a silver :)
painting drives

All you gotta do is disassemble your cd-rom drive untill you get the face plate off and the drawr or cover off. You will probably want to get the butttons too. Paint them all seperately, even if they are going to be the same color. It will give you a better finish, and you won't get little places without color in between them. Paint everything, then re-assemble it. It should still work.:) HTH.
I painted a cd and a floppy face plate 15 mins ago (still got paint on my hands ;^) I just stuck a screw driver in the side and they poped off. If you have a slot DVD you will proberly have to pull apart the drive. Oh yeah, if you want to have a painted cd repaced under warranty just clean it up with metho.
Sabre said:
I painted a cd and a floppy face plate 15 mins ago (still got paint on my hands ;^) I just stuck a screw driver in the side and they poped off. If you have a slot DVD you will proberly have to pull apart the drive. Oh yeah, if you want to have a painted cd repaced under warranty just clean it up with metho.

Got pics?
Pic of my cdroms

Here's a pic of my newly painted drives. On both of my cd-rom drives, all I had to do was push in some little clips, and off the faceplates came. Same with the floppy and zip drives. Getting the assorted little doors and such off to paint a different color was a pain, especially when the springs whent wandering off without me. I got it all back together thoug, and now it looks cool.
Every cd rom I have found follows the same dissassembly procedure. Make sure the tray is ejected, hold the tray steady, and push the faceplate on the tray up. It will come off with some force. Then, you need to remove the cdrom, or atleast have the front inch or so exposed, then use a flathead screwdriver to pop the tabs down on the top and bottom. There may be some tabs on the sides too, but I can't remember.

As far as painting goes, I painted the front with the buttons in it, as they were fixed to the front. A litle push on them when dry broke the bond with the paint and they worked perfectly. The clear plastic for the LED I forgot about, and painted over, but a fingernail quickly scratched off the paint and everything is fine. BTW, I also painted my tray (Remove it from the cdrom first though), I hand painted it with a red to black fade, but you could also spray paint it. This involves taking the cdrom appart tough, not that it's any concern.

If you want a really cool cdrom, break off the tabs on the front, and glue the tray front to the rest of the front (While on the tray) That way, when you hit the button, the whole front of the cdrom ejects with it. Bet that will be an interesting site at the next Lan Party. (Or a blank faceplate like I did, but this is much cooler)

I hope this helpes.