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FAH Crisis?

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I would throw in a few points (re-enforcing some already made):

Small CPU SMP folders (dual core etc) getting low points should just live with it as part of progress - its the worls of PC's right!
- PG are keeping this all in perspective with work output and its following a Long term progress flow.

GPUs are doing amazing things with their amazing performance + being rightfully rewarded for it.
- One modern GPU like a 7970 or better has better TFLOP performance than the most powerful $100 million Super Computer on the planet back in 2001 (and those cost $6 million+ a year in power bills)

and Here is the Problem :

SMP BA folders get excessive points (over work done) rewarded to encourage folders to invest and fold for reward in an area that is Important to PG for study.
- PG have been cultivating a competitive race for PPD to encourage folders.

Trouble here Now is they are dumping/turning peoples Expensive tech invested BA hardware into yesterdays hardware early by raising the BA bar too fast too soon with too little notice.
- PG need to avoid spurning (outside the natural tech advancement curve dating tech - like dual core CPUs) the competitive nature of folding they have so carefully cultivated

Like already mentioned by Adak - folding@home needs better community feedback from their end and smoother WU development progression especially in areas where folders invest lots of money with PGs encouragement.
- simply telling BA folders to fold regular SMP WU for the cause and be good Samaritans is not fair given the competitive environment PG created at the BA end of folding.

But despite all this, at the end of the day we ARE Folding for a Good Cause and not the points - and rather than getting vibes of out of touch Execs thinking only of profit margins, it would be Really nice to feel they are standing next to us in this team play : Its Good to Talk right :thup:

(my drop in folding it purely coincidental financial issues soon to be resolved)
Sounds like PG has plenty of bigadv hardware available and need more people folding the lower points projects. Don't know if this plan will work as planned if the depreciated <32 core machines drop off FAH altogether. To PG we are a computing resource first and people with points aspirations last. The science is king, but most of the heavy hitters want to be recognized and their point rewards tells them if they're succeeding. Unlike a giant cloud server at PG's disposal, the actual donors that make up that cloud server have emotions and PG hasn't fully appreciated how the science must factor goodwill in the equation or production will fall off as some donors leave.

I decided to never build $$$$ dedicated FAH hardware. Too much hurt feelings when someone with deep pockets blows by your years worth of efforts in a few weeks. Same when PG inevitably depreciates your $$$$+ investment almost overnight as the science advances. I build computers to use in daily pursuits and keep FAH in mind when I build. When they get depreciated by PG, I'm not out everything and still have the primary reason I build the system intact.

Perhaps PG can figure out a good use and points valuable work for those soon to be depreciated bigadv folders to keep them in the fold. It might hurt all of us in the long term if they don't work something out. :shrug:
Sounds like PG has plenty of bigadv hardware available and need more people folding the lower points projects. Don't know if this plan will work as planned if the depreciated <32 core machines drop off FAH altogether. To PG we are a computing resource first and people with points aspirations last. The science is king, but most of the heavy hitters want to be recognized and their point rewards tells them if they're succeeding. Unlike a giant cloud server at PG's disposal, the actual donors that make up that cloud server have emotions and PG hasn't fully appreciated how the science must factor goodwill in the equation or production will fall off as some donors leave.

I decided to never build $$$$ dedicated FAH hardware. Too much hurt feelings when someone with deep pockets blows by your years worth of efforts in a few weeks. Same when PG inevitably depreciates your $$$$+ investment almost overnight as the science advances. I build computers to use in daily pursuits and keep FAH in mind when I build. When they get depreciated by PG, I'm not out everything and still have the primary reason I build the system intact.

Perhaps PG can figure out a good use and points valuable work for those soon to be depreciated bigadv folders to keep them in the fold. It might hurt all of us in the long term if they don't work something out. :shrug:
Well they are the Puppeteers... Were the puppets...They need work done and all they have to do is skew the points system towards it(As is their way). Folks like Chasr might turn to fah again if his systems were rewarded.:-/ All those 24 core and lower systems can be put to use at their whim. (Excuse me now...this string stuck in my back has been bothering me all day):p

I have sort of done what you have Audio. I did build a dedicated folder...but reduced the farm to just the one unit(Plus a Boinc in the winter). Its the only thing letting me continue my contribution. Plus its been upgradable. The only time I get excited is during an upgrade. I like hardware!!
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I'm only making ~12kPPD running my Q6600 and 9800GTX+. My power bill is ridiculous and I have every reason to quit. However I'd hate to climb back on to the first page after I fell off. I'm at #63 and slowly sinking, but I'm still on page #1 and on this team that's saying something. No puppet strings on me, but Pacific Power has some chains wrapped around my neck LOL.